
Following are frequently asked questions pertaining to Daily Money Management.

Why might I need a Daily Money Manager (DMM)?
When you don’t have time to take care of your personal finances, a DMM is the perfect solution. From bill and taxes to checkbooks and estate administration, DMMs make sure nothing of importance falls through the cracks. You maintain involvement in all financial decisions, while maintaining your independence and getting assistance.
What types of clients typically engage a DMM?
DMMs help many types of clients, such as seniors and older adults, adult children of older adults, and busy professionals. At Home Management, LLC currently serves clients in Somerset County and Morris County, New Jersey.
If I hire a DMM, do I still need an accountant, financial planner, lawyer, or social worker?
Yes. A DMM does not take the place of these other specialized professionals, but rather, complements their work by acting as a liaison and facilitating your interactions with them. As an example, a DMM will organize and maintain your financial records and be able to assemble the documents needed for tax preparation by an accountant. A DMM will make sure tax returns are signed, any forms and checks are attached, and that the returns are mailed on time.
How can I be sure my information will be confidential?
At Home Management, LLC is a member of the American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM) and adheres to the AADMM’s code of ethics and standard practices. Protecting our clients' privacy and confidentiality is paramount, so all client engagements include our Privacy Policy and Confidentiality Agreement.
What are your rates?
At Home Management, LLC charges an hourly rate and bills clients on a monthly basis. Our initial consultation is free so we can tailor a solution designed just for you on a per diem, short-term, or ongoing basis.
Are you insured?
Yes, At Home Management, LLC carries liability insurance, so you are protected from any mistakes or errors.